Do You Believe In Angels

Verse 1:
Do you believe In Angels I do
Can you imagine one right there beside you
What would you say to an angel friend I think I’d begin with Hello

Verse 2:
Hello how ya’ doin’ I’m fine I really like the way your pretty halo shines
Where did you get those silver wings
Do you think that I could fly

Can you swing on a star and go very far
Do you ever go to sleep on a cloud
Have you been to the moon or whistled a tune
Do you ever just laugh out loud
Are there puppy dogs there and kitty cats too
Can you hide and seek behind the sun     
Are there flowers and trees oh do tell me please
Is there room enough for everyone

Verse 3:  
Do you believe in angels I do 
Can you imagine one right there beside you 
What would you say to an angel friend   
I think I’d begin with “Hello”
I think I’d begin with “Hello”   
I think I’d begin with “Hello”   Hello Angel!



© Netcom Music   Writer: Linda Colley